Surprise surprise, just when all is going according to plan,
God throws ya a curve ball!The day before we received our fingerprint cards in the mail, and the day after Halloween, I was approached by a friend who knew of two small girls that needed a family. Ages 10 and 22 months. Blond hair, blue eyes...sweet as can be. No fuss, no mess...they just sign over
legal guardianship and that's that. (I'll leave out the l
ong story as to why, just that they do.) There is a lot of their other family involved, bio siblings, etc...but doable...
definitely doable.
After a lot of prayer - and trying desperately to wrap my mind around what was happening - we asked ourselves whether we really wanted to adopt two children - both under two. What was most important was what God wanted for us. Ya know -
His will, no ours...My will wanted one wonderful daughter to be spoiled by four terrific boys...not two.
Sigh, sigh, SIGH!I met with the beautiful children, spoke with the grandmother, and all the while dreamed of my husband holding a blond curly haired little girl (not
GIRLS). *SIGH*! What do I do, God??? What
do I
advantages were spending up to 50K on adoption fees...being able instead to complete our home addition, no waiting...But the nagging continued...I had no clear voice telling me what to do.
In the midst of the confusion surrounding my heart, I watched a video clip posted on
FRUA from a web site called Kristina's Hope ( As I watched it I was sobbing and remembering the children still there...left behind...needing a home. The reasons why we decided to adopt from Russia instead of pursuing a domestic adoption kept coming to the fore front of my mind. There are more
families than children available here in
the USA...that is why we had decided NOT to adopt domestically. For each child not given a forever family, that is another child with no opportunity...Once again I am praying "God, what do I do???"
To make a longer
version short, we decided to pass these children on to another waiting family here locally...and
pursue our Russian adoption. Once all felt so right. God willing, we are once again on our way...
I am now gathering my newly acquired finger print cards and making plans to head off to Fresno for
apostilling. Then off it will go to our agency.
Life, when you least expect it, sometimes can become complicated.
But your heart - when you least expect it,
Can move mountains of emotion;
And give you a clear path to what and where you are suppose to be.
This time around, I am suppose to be in Russia.